Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Acupressure And Meralgia Paresthetica

Michelangelo vs. Bernini. What is the meaning of the work Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate by Salvador Dali? Are there trends in painting

Miguel Angel, David , 1501-1504

Miguel Angel Creation of Adam, 1510

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, St. Peter's Square , 1656-1657

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, bliss of Santa Teresa , 1647-1651

Why so much talk of Michelangelo and Bernini not elevate both? What is the meaning of the work of Dalí, Dream of a Bee around a Pomegranate ? Jaime, Guadalajara, Mexico

Jaime Thanks for your questions. Michelangelo, Gian Lorenzo Bernini were painters, sculptors and architects, but lived at different times. Miguel Angel belonged to the Renaissance and Baroque Bernini belonged to the movement. Miguel Angel was the most important sculptor of the Renaissance and one of the most important sculptors in the history of art. His work David is one of the most famous sculptures, is also Mercy and Moses important. In addition, he painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, where he painted the Creation of Adam, which is the most famous image that was there. As an architect, made the dome of St. Peter and his work more important. The most important work of Bernini as architect of St. Peter's Square and as a sculptor is the Ecstasy of St. Teresa. As a painter, Bernini did not excel very much. When compared to two artists is all important body of work, quality, size and diversity of the work. And as you can tell Jaime, Miguel Angel has more merit than Bernini about this.

Salvador Dali, Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate, a second before waking , 1944
To answer your second question, the work of Dalí to which you refer is a surrealist work. Surrealism is about dreams and unreal things of the imagination. So you can not give real meaning to the images we see. Surrealism is not a reading based on real life. It has a visual reading only, where imagination and unreal is the most important. The name of the book is Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a pomegranate one second before awakening. The very name of the book tells you what is happening and what will happen. Who is dreaming is Dali, who heard the buzzing of a bee in his sleep and dream what you see in the picture, the body of his wife Gala is levitating. When you wake up everything is going to disappear, guns, lions, fish, elephant and his wife. This work has no meaning, the value of a surrealist work is only visual and aesthetic.

Jaime, I hope my answer was to your liking. Augusto



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