I want to know why the hideous painting The Scream is so popular and why he is screaming, saw something wrong?
Francine, Francine
Montreal painting you're referring to is of Edvard Munch (1863-1944). El Grito, 1893, is oil, tempera and pastel on cardboard 91X73.5 cm., Is in the National Gallery in Oslo. Munch made more than 50 versions of this table including lithographs.
Francine, Francine
Montreal painting you're referring to is of Edvard Munch (1863-1944). El Grito, 1893, is oil, tempera and pastel on cardboard 91X73.5 cm., Is in the National Gallery in Oslo. Munch made more than 50 versions of this table including lithographs.
is very important for you Francine know what artistic movement belongs to each work, I will help you understand more about the work you're viewing. Investigating movement belongs to each project and is part of the fun in the art.
This work belongs to the movement of expressionism and his style was full of symbols to represent emotions and feelings through color, shapes and forms. Most of the work of Munch's emotions about life, love, death, despair and tragedy. Francine have to remember that everything you see in a work, the artist wanted this there. Every color, every line and detail are an important reason, every detail has an intention to create a sensation in the viewer. Nothing happened there.
The Scream is a picture of contrasts, because there are hot colors yellow, red and orange sky that seems to fire. Warm colors in boxes can make us feel we have more heat and can slightly increase our circulation and our body temperature. Similarly cool colors, green, blue, violet, found on land, on the railing of the bridge, and clothing of the subjects can make us feel cold and slightly lower temperature of our body. The work is undulating in the sky, water and earth in nature. But it also has straight lines made by man, the bridge deck, the railing of the bridge and the post. Then there are contrasts of form and color. Remember that Munch painted every detail of color and form a conscious intention in his mind. The work is not symmetric, then there is balance in the shapes or colors, then there are contrasts creating imbalance and chaos within the work.
If you look carefully the bridge is covering the water with the boats. The bridge would be very long, therefore, impossible. The boats are in an area orange, yellow and gray is supposed to be water and the que es azul en lugar de ser agua es la tierra.
El sujeto principal que grita esta en el centro del cuadro, el sexo del sujeto no es claro. La ropa es como de una mujer, una túnica y él/ella tiene un cráneo como cara y no tiene pelo, pero la boca tiene labios para realzar la acción del grito. El sujeto que grita tiene una forma de un fantasma con el cuerpo curvilíneo y solamente se ve la mitad de su cuerpo.
Si te fijas bien en la pintura, Munch tiene el puente de un lado del cuadro al otro lado, invitando al observador dentro del cuadro a través de la perspectiva del puente. Munch está jugando con nuestro espacio y su intención es poner al sujeto que grita in the space of the observer. Or the observer is standing on the bridge in front of the guy who screams. This means that the person screaming is screaming to the observer.
El Grito frightens us because it touches on the theme of death, by the skull and the loneliness of the subject. It also deals with oppositions, contrasts and an unreal world that Munch has created. This book is so popular, because after you've seen them you'll never forget the image that looks so real and so strong emotions, yet is so imaginary. You question. Why the subject shouts, saw the bad? I think the subject is screaming at the observer and Munch wanted to shake the audience and did it with this work.
The Scream is an icon of our time but not only the subject is screaming, also the natural world is screaming with different colors and surreal shapes.
Thanks for your good question Francine.
Augusto Chimpan
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