Friday, December 31, 2010

Navteq Ln735 Map Update

What is the first and most significant artistic expression of humanity? What innovations has

Venus of Willendorf

Venus of Willendorf

Brassempouy Venus

Kostenki Venus

Laussel Venus

Venus of Grimaldi

Lascaux, scene of the dead man

Lascaux, Chinese horse scene

Lascaux, swimming deer scene

Lascaux, hunting scenes

What is considered the first and most significant artistic expression of humanity? "Whereas it is probably an ancient work, would be valid as art cataloged even if he did not follow the academic pattern? Paco, Lima. Dear Paco

this question is very interesting because it questions the first significant work of art made by humans. One of the oldest human works is known is the Venus of Willendorf, 24.000 to 20.000 BC, measured 11.1 cm in height and 5.7 cm wide. The material of Venus is made of limestone and is colored with red ocher. There are several hypotheses for why it was done: as a good luck charm, the representation of a goddess who was the mother earth, which is the idealized representation of females with the ability to produce life. My theory is that it was a charm to promote fertility. The older work that is known is the Venus de Brassempouy, which is 30,000 BC, with only the head and neck of this piece. Although there are many Venus with the same characteristics as the Venus of Willendorf, such as Lespugue Venus, the Venus of Kostenki, Laussel Venus, Venus de Grimaldi, all older women with big breasts and bare, the Venus of Willendorf is the most famous because it has more aesthetic, is symmetrical, more realistic and humane.

Paco, to continue with your question, "What is the most significant artistic expression of humanity?, Should be the caves of Lascaux, 17.000 AC, southwest of France because these caves have six galleries containing approximately 2.000 figures can be grouped into three categories, animal, human and abstract. In the caves is the image of a bull over 5 meters long. Among the animals that are painted are bulls, bears, horses, rhinoceroses, bison and deer. There are no images of reindeer, which was his first feeding, so argues that the drawings were made for rites to celebrate the game and / or have power over the animals when they were before the hunt. Many of the bulls appear in motion, so there were only simple pictures. The fact that he was a very good artist.

Some drawings are more than three meters ground, that means that mobile scaffolding had to make these drawings on the walls and ceiling of the cave. There is a scene in the cave called "dead man" where there is an anthropomorphic figure (who looks human) that is a dead man's face bird. In front of the dead man is a dying bison which apparently killed the man who has the gut that are falling, wounded by an arrow and a spear visible. There is a bird on a stick, which could represent the afterlife of the deceased. Birds because they have the ability to fly are associated with gods. In another scene called "The Chinese Horse", you see arrows on the hunt for the horses. In another painting called "deer swimming" can be seen crossing the river deer. This narrative scene demonstrates the complexity of rock art and the artistic talent of those who made the drawings that lived in these caves. As there was no lighting in the cave, they had to light candles made from animal fat. Paco, by the magnitude of the paintings in the caves of Lascaux, I believe this is the most significant ancient work of mankind.

The last part of your question is very interesting because you say that if you label it as art would be valid even if there was a pattern of academic art. Art is all that is created, with a personal touch to beautify the world. This is the purpose of art in the time they did the paintings of the Lascaux caves made for two reasons, to decorate and embellish the caves and to shamanism about animals and hunting of these animals. Further, the figures are aesthetic and pleasing to see. This also shows that since the beginning of mankind, man has been an artist by nature and has lived with art.

Paco this is your second question on my blog so thank you very much. I hope my answer is to your satisfaction. Augusto


Sunday, December 19, 2010

I Need Examples For A Monthly Counseling

Virgin of the Rocks Leonardo da Vinci?

Leonardo da Vinci, Madonna of the Rocks 1483-86

The Virgin of the Rocks Leonardo da Vinci, is one of the works that binds me. Within the Italian Renaissance marked a big change, Leonardo with this work schemes introduced innovations that broke at the time, I would like to know more about it. Clara, Lima

Dear Clara, Leonardo made two versions of this work with the same name. One is in the Louvre in Paris and the other is the National Gallery in London. The version of which I speak is in the Louvre, made in 1483-86. The two versions are almost identical with some details changed. The innovations that brought this picture are many, including the sfumato (gone is the smooth graduation of color and shadows to create depth and volume), Leonardo was the inventor of the technique. You can see the sfumato on the faces of all the characters, Mary, John the Baptist the small to the left, the archangel Gabriel to the right and the baby Jesus. The characters for the first time without aura, that was another innovation of Leonardo in this painting.

Another innovation brought by this work is the use of aerial perspective that can see through the cave in the rocks of the lighter color, the color degradation is used to create natural atmospheric effects human eye to create recession and distance. Another innovation was to have several stories in a single scene. Most artists of the time tell a story in his paintings, but Leonardo painted several works that told stories in a single scene. Perhaps the most important innovation was the creation of a pyramidal composition that was first made and that was a hallmark in almost all compositions of the Virgin Mary. The pyramidal composition gives more stability to the figures in the composition.

usually in works of the Virgin Mary made by other artists Giotto, Fra Filippo Lippi, Sandro Botticelli and Jan van Eyck's put a queen on a throne as queen of heaven, here puts Leonardo sitting on the floor making it more humble. The virgin has her right arm embracing John the Baptist. The different stories go at the same time, John the Baptist has his hands in a gesture of prayer to Christ. In turn, Christ blesses John the Baptist and also points to the sky, referring to the highest heavenly realm that Christ is predestined. The archangel Gabriel is pointing to John the Baptist is the messenger of salvation will be achieved through baptism and sacrifice of Christ. The angel has wings but they are very different to make it more human. The Virgin is represented in its role as a protector mother and breeder, pet makes a gesture of Christ with his left hand.

Clara important thing here is that the landscape is not real, is mystical and which is a spiritual landscape. In the back is pure rock that symbolizes strength, firmness and strength of God, also referred to the Bible in Psalm 92:15. To proclaim: The Lord is righteous, He is my rock and there is no injustice. On the rocks on the left is a cave that represents the maternal womb, also symbolizes the origin of life and resurrection since Christ was born in a cave and was buried in a cave. In the cave is a river that comes from the mountains outside. The water symbolizes cleansing properties the purity and innocence, in water baptism wash away sins of the past. It also has a Christian connotation in the Bible written in John 4:13-14. Everyone who drinks this water will thirst again, "Jesus replied, but whoever drinks the water I shall give him will never thirst, but within him that water will become a spring of water welling up to life eternal.

The Virgin has a mantle of blue sky and symbolizing the divine love. The mantle of the Virgin also has a yellow color, which symbolizes the sun and the color of God and divinity. The Virgin is represented as an idealized woman and perfect, with grace, strength and elegance. Gabriel has a red coat is the color of blood and fire, symbolizes love and power. John the Baptist and Christ is naked and that represents harmony with nature as well as in paradise clothing was not necessary. The plant anemone on the left below symbolizes death and mourning, has been associated with the crucifixion of Christ, because it appears in several paintings of the crucifixion below or near the cross. The red petals symbolize the blood of Christ. Behind John the Baptist is a palm plant also makes suggestion of a verse in the Bible in the chapter of Psalms 92:12. The righteous flourish like palm trees. Clara everything I paint Leonardo da Vinci in this picture has a very deep meaning. Clara I hope my answer was to your liking. Augusto
